An instrument used for pleasuring the vaginal area.
The end of the hairbrush used is up to the user.
The end of the hairbrush used is up to the user.
by Sticky Hairbrush April 2, 2010
by PhattyAddy March 3, 2021
A tool used to rip off all the little hairs in your head. Don’t worry, get two and you’ll rip off out all you hairs
by Godsballsareinmyhands October 5, 2019
by caligirl1012345 March 19, 2011
I love hairbrushes
by bbbbbbbaaaaaccccc123456789 May 23, 2019
the sexual act of brushing the male penis through the locks of an attractive female and uses a thrusting motion to straighten he tangled mess of hair. The male then attempts to ejaculate after going flaccid (he strokes the penis flaccidly) and then holds his penis in a curve like a scorpion tail.
by Kill whale January 2, 2010