Indicates an early "Great" step rating in the game of In The Groove. To get to Excellent or Fantastic, the player should step a bit slower. Those who do Great Attack generally go for this.
by HeavyD2 August 18, 2008
Seen on Twitter, the verb TO GREAT:
A crossbreed between the verb TO CREATE and the adverb GREAT.
Meaning: to create something great.
A crossbreed between the verb TO CREATE and the adverb GREAT.
Meaning: to create something great.
Today I greated a new design.
My mother greated a new fantastic vegetable dish.
I am gonna great something today, I can just feel it.
Malcolm MacLaren greated punk rock.
My mother greated a new fantastic vegetable dish.
I am gonna great something today, I can just feel it.
Malcolm MacLaren greated punk rock.
by macmoron April 6, 2010
TAS1: "Check it out man; this is my new sign for cool (making a weird hand signal)"
TAS2: "Uhhh... that's great!"
TAS2: "Uhhh... that's great!"
by Will L June 9, 2005
scotish girl ; ' Talking about a subject I find it a great one, so many voices and different opinions about somthing great to deal with."
Herculus is great as his big strong muscles rip around the arena.
Herculus is great as his big strong muscles rip around the arena.
by courtneyseesstarsagain March 17, 2010
Greatly greeted; Such as if you were greeted in such a way that made you flabbergasted.
A greeting that could only be described as a great greeting.
A greeting that could only be described as a great greeting.
by Phreeto November 2, 2009
by katybra September 8, 2010
by Aerwop January 12, 2004