
A word that if, you spend enough time, will fine about 1000 synonyms for.
What does great mean? Maybe we shouldn't go there...
by jimbobjoeshmoecheese January 24, 2004
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When someone is Great and Grateful at the same time.
I'm so Greatful for Our REAL President Donald J. Trump!
by @ilDonaldoTrumpo June 30, 2022
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Although Jose is very dyslexic, he is still greatful
by Dyslexic Reet October 16, 2019
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1) a sarcastic word people might use if something goes wrong
2) a word someone might use as a way to congradulate people.
3) a rating
1) oh that's great. the mall just closed and we're half way there. it's a 2 hour drive.
2) well that's great! good job!
3) 3 stars = great!
by StoppedEmu67 November 8, 2019
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dude those two are greatness
by connor & hayat March 5, 2021
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Indicates a late "Great" step rating in the game of In The Groove. To get to Excellent or Fantastic, the player should step a bit faster.
I got a few great- in this song, but luckily stepped a bit faster to correct it and got a star!
by HeavyD2 August 18, 2008
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