17 definitions by HeavyD2

This is the second-lowest step rating in the game of In The Groove, only to Miss. It is approximately equivalent to the "Boo" (pre-SN) or "Almost" (SN/SN2) in DDR and causes the life meter to drop. A dash prefixing or suffixing the rating indicates which way the player is off (-WAY OFF for early, and WAY OFF- for late.)
Several Way Offs on that cluster threatened to fail me, but luckily I pulled through and passed.
by HeavyD2 October 23, 2008
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A term used by police to describe people they have caught driving 100 mph or faster.
The Century Club is on the rise, as more people want to see how fast their cars can go.
by HeavyD2 January 1, 2009
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A method of playing the game of In The Groove where the player attempts to get as many Excellents as possible instead of Fantastics.
I tried excellent attack on this song, so that's why I only have an A-.
by HeavyD2 August 18, 2008
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A freestyle move in DDR where you face the bar, grip it with both hands and walk up the screen. This is frowned upon as it can damage the machine.
I just matrix walked and broke the screen, and got kicked out of the arcade.
by HeavyD2 December 31, 2009
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A gesture that, in Australia, means "Up Yours!" and is likenable to the extended middle finger in America.
I'm from down under, so give this definition a thumbs DOWN if you like it, since the thumbs up is an insult here.
by HeavyD2 December 30, 2009
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Indicates a late "Great" step rating in the game of In The Groove. To get to Excellent or Fantastic, the player should step a bit faster.
I got a few great- in this song, but luckily stepped a bit faster to correct it and got a star!
by HeavyD2 August 18, 2008
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Indicates an early "Great" step rating in the game of In The Groove. To get to Excellent or Fantastic, the player should step a bit slower. Those who do Great Attack generally go for this.
This guy is trying to get all -greats on this song.
by HeavyD2 August 18, 2008
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