Gravy means to have sex. When you have sex, you are making gravy.
"i made gravy last night!"
by Katie D. November 9, 2005
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yea its like things that are good.
whow this is gravy
Gravy dude!
i made up fucking gravy you cunts
fuck you
by jakamo October 6, 2004
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the name for the unknown substance that may or may not be stripin your drawers after a particularly greasy fart.
DUDE! that was ripe . Think you should check for gravy?
by doug p. August 20, 2004
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1. a sauce that is made from the stock or juices of meat;

2. never something that goes on pasta - that is by definition sauce.

3.something nice or pleasurable, usually used in the future sense

"Would you like some gravy on your pasta?"
"No thank you. I prefer sauce."


"My boss said I'll probably get a raise. That extra money would be gravy."
by Caley December 22, 2005
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that test was gravy
by T January 1, 2004
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