You cook for your girl but forget to wash your hands after handling jalapenos. Then decide to have sex with her. Thus spreading that jalapeno to her vagina causing burning pain.
Guy 1: "My girl loved dinner but I forgot to wash my hands."

Guy 2: " oh shit! You performed the Gordon Ramsey! I bet that sucked for her! "
by Baddies007 February 23, 2018
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Setting a person on fire for bad cooking
The Taliban pulled The Gordon Ramsey by allegedly setting a woman on fire for "Bad Cooking".
by celebritychefcrush August 21, 2021
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To pour burning cheese on somebody's genitals. Oftenly followed up with screaming where's the fucking cheese!
Gordon: let's have sex
You: I would love to lets do Gordon "Gordon Ramsey style"
Gordon: get down there and drop the pants

You: am I missing something?!
Gordon: yes you are... "where's the fucking cheese!"
by Holden deez nuts November 22, 2021
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When you think when you did or are doing something you are doing a great job. But in actuality you are terrible at it.
The Gordon Ramsey Effect is when you think your great at something but your bad at it. Here is a a sentence describing it: “I thought when I sang I was great at it. But my instructor said I was trash...”
by Dr. Abiss February 4, 2019
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a British lad who screams at people because they are cows
by jaaaaakdeeee March 8, 2021
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