When someone is trying to write GOSH and misspells it, yet claims she/he writes the way they talk.
"Oh my goosh babe....i love it so much!"
by i am so amazing June 16, 2009
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a person thats ugly fat and sweaty
goosh fuckin tried to hit me after i called him goosh?!
by [doosh] February 5, 2004
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if someone says i pooped myself the other person would say oh goosh!
by shandalear January 25, 2009
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Used in the place of good. Invented by me to prove that idiots on MSN steal my words. Also a slang term that can be used to mock someone.
<Man> So how was your day?
<Man 2> Ahhh it was Goosh

<Man> You eat goosh!
by Gruce McKenzie April 15, 2004
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"I banged a total goosh last night. I hope I didn't get drips from her!"
by Killroy O'Neal February 14, 2009
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Having blood explode from your head due to the impact of a bullet.
I totally gooshed that guy with my deagle.
by so7id October 29, 2004
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That period in any movie where a film maker does not want to showcase plot, characters, or even world building, but showcases their special effect budget.
"OMG, That fucking goosh hour in the Avatar movie so pointless"
by Zura79248 January 3, 2017
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