
A glob is an extremely large dab of hash oil. They are not meant to be taken by amateur smokers.
Damn Jwall these dabs are pretty good, but I'm thinking we need to start takin globs!
by greenlowtops March 2, 2012
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The act of causing pain.

Open your hand in a claw type manner, and then grab the closest human stomach to you and squeeze.

Glob works best on overweight people.
by Streetsweeper777 June 25, 2009
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Internal Ejaculation. The act of blowing your load with no condom while the penis is inside the vagina leaving a gooey mess.
Guy#1: Hey, did you use a condom with Sarah last night man?
Guy#2: No i globbed in her!
Guy#1: ....nice!
by Smalley-Mo August 11, 2010
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Take live resin and budder mix the two together to make a glob.
by Two Blunt November 18, 2018
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A thing that gets attached im mind so you use it instead of other words.
by Globanator March 18, 2015
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Cryptic terminology used by a group of promiscious, backstabbing, meth-smoking, BB gun-slinging teenagers from Hertfordshire to talk about a mutual friend behind his back.
For instance, "Hey Michael! Did you see what /Glob/ just ate?"
"Yeah, John, I did! Stupid fat faggot."
by skinnybrah November 23, 2013
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Another (more accurate) term for a girl on her period.
"Be nice to Rosie for the next few days, she's globbing right now."

"Periods are disgusting, all that glob just falling out of me"
by Gooberpls September 4, 2013
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