To react to something in such a manner that whatever you are drinking comes out your nose. This is primarily caused by a surprise of some sort and the surprise is typically as hilarious as the word itself.
I just about garfunkled my coffee when the monkey at the zoo threw some poop and it landed on a guy's ice cream cone.
by RTOTOJ March 8, 2020
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The act of having sex with someone while wearing an Art Garfunkel wig(seen in Flight of the Conchords, episode 207).
Guy #1: Why are you dressed like Art Garfunkel?
Guy #2: I met this chick who's into Garfunkling.
by RoastedPeanut April 5, 2009
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In the episode The Prime Minister of The Flight of The Conchords, the sexual act of dressing up like Art Garfunkle of Simon and Garfunkle in order to please a fan of his.
Guy 1: I went home with this hot chick, but I didn't spend the night.

Guy 2: Why?

Guy 1: She's into garfunkling, and I left my wig at home.

by flmumb March 5, 2009
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to have sex with a woman with such a profuse amount of pubic foliage that her nether regions look like the hairstyle of the musiciam garfunkle of simon and garfunkle
by pele December 16, 2003
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Something/ anything "Whack", messed up, or stupid.
Teacher: "Students, there will be a 20 page essay due in two days."

Me: "Dawg, that's garfunkle."
by Tinted Windows August 8, 2012
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