Originally a word for Imitation Crack-Cocaine made with chunks of soap a person would go to buy crack and get ripped off; which lead to the word meaning, "To Steal or Rip Someone off"; Which lead to Gank meaning "Kill Someone" (i.e. Taking/Stealing someones life). Now-a-days retards use it for everything I guess (Orgasm, Marijuana, Penis, etc), which became clear when I stumbled upon 41 (!) different definitions for Gank that have nothing to do with Imitation Crack. IT MEANS BOOTLEG CRACK! That's My word!
"I was smoking some Endo the other day when the Crack dripped done the pipe and nearly choked me to death, that nigger sold me Gank!"
by Ibble May 13, 2005
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to steal.
I ganked a bar of candy from the corner store.
by elia April 11, 2003
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Steal something, but generally in a harmless way.
Dude, I ganked a beer from your fridge.

Lemme gank a dollar, so I can get a pop. (The use of "gank" instead of "borrow" implies that there will be no payback.)
by Rico Detroit March 2, 2008
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To be jumped by a group of people who are stronger than you. World of Warcraft :D
I just got ganked by that lvl 60 rogue
by Ganker May 20, 2005
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Ganking is another term for ejaculation and masturbation as well as another term for lying.
Me: "I ganked to this bitch so hard last night."
Friend: "You're ganking bro."
by Pineapple Snake September 3, 2020
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1. to steal
2. to become intoxicated on any substance
3. to stab
1. "I ganked a soda from the store."
2. "I was so ganked last night on coffee/alcohol/marijuana/crack/heroin/etcetera."
3. "I ganked him with a shiv in the prison shower."
by InfrequentNinja March 4, 2004
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gang-killing in a MMORPG
GANg-Killing, hence gank.
omfg 15v1, gankzored!
by Igetgankedalot May 11, 2004
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