A GNE, or "Good News E-mail" is an e-mail sent by a university or potential employer expressing interest in a candidate without actually extending an offer. This sort of thing usually causes additional stress for the applicant and does not always end up an acceptance or offer.
The University of LaLaLand sent me a GNE but I still have no idea if I'm actually in. Now I don't know what else to do besides think about Lalaland.
by Eh Bee March 5, 2010
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gne gne

gne gne is a way of saying "no no" which is used to show one's mistake in a comical way
-it was your choice!

-gne gne
by Spectre._._ April 18, 2021
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Good night and everything. :)) When chatting online or texting with someone special, instead of saying "good night" followed by "i miss you", "i love you", "sweet dreams", "sleep tight", "God bless" and all that stuff; GNE makes it much easier since it means like, everthing! haha. also, it is a much discreet way of showing affection to someone if you really don't have the guts to. note: i made this up by myself. :P

**if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend and u really wanna be romantic, affectionate and all that, i reckon u should still spell out ILY. since it is a very meaningful three-word-sentence. :P
me: gnyt, ily, swt dreams, etc.
him: gnyt, ily, swt dreams, etc. *in whole words*
me: GNE! haha. it means good night and everything! so we don't have to include all those other greetings. :P
him: oh okay. GNE too!
by littlemiss_sunshine February 8, 2008
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Cool, pretty and smart but act’s like a kid
Omg don’t be a gnes
by Hejebnana July 21, 2020
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the sound that a penguin makes
At the zoo today, the penguins would not shut up; all you hear all day was gne, gne, gne!
by Jebus February 27, 2003
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A word used like lol. Mostly used in a funny situation when you are too lazy to say "hahaha" you just say gne.
Guy: She looks like a potato
Girl: Gne
by Claricia=) April 19, 2017
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gne gne

an insult of being a crybaby

"gne gne"
by Thorizoan September 24, 2023
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