Being in desperate search for a good time . Hungry for fun.
Bob, this is bad. I'm so fungry I could even go out and join the circus right now.
by Ryan P. Cooke July 27, 2008
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When your so hungry you become Fucking Hungry
Alright guys I’m back with food. I was fungry.
by Switch & Play January 1, 2018
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When you fucking hungry, but using humour as your distraction.
- I'm so hungry I could eat a horse dick!
- Wow, you are really fungry!
by Jakina the Second December 8, 2022
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Being bored out of your mind and you are stuck with boring people who either can't or don't want to have fun, and not being able to find fun people because you are stuck in a boring relationship.

Only able to hang out with old people or people in your family bc you can't have any mutual fun friends due to a boring spouse.

Being stuck in a relationship where you crave fun but you can't have fun bc your spouse wants to shit on your happiness and freedom, but you have no recourse bc you're in a committed relationship.
I can't have any fun bc everyone I'm allowed to hanfg out with are old or boring, and I'm fungry .
by April 16, 2021
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Feeling hungry beyond hangry, f-ing hungry.
"Dude! I'm so fungry I could eat the ass-end of a dead, rotting walrus!"
by J-cat,cuzJ-dogistaken December 17, 2019
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