When your Uncle is too fun to just be a normal 'Uncle'. This Uncle must be referred to as 'Funcle'
Example: I cannot wait to go visit my Funcle Dick in Ohio!!
by Eddywarn February 8, 2017
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Dang, your funcle Noah parties harder than I do -Everyone
by Rose527 May 4, 2017
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Fun uncle-noun
Wow, thank god my funcles Noah and Benjamin came to this party. Now we can finally have a good time!
by The third funcle December 30, 2019
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a funcle is a fun uncle.
Funcles contract syphillis more than regular uncles
by seanscape August 8, 2005
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That one uncle that you have that is a little..TOO funky. Funky + Uncle = Funcle.
Some kid: "Hey, why can't you come to my party?"
You: "My funcle is in town..you know what that means."
Some kid: "SHOOT!"
by Marsh to the All August 5, 2010
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When your uncle takes you down to his basement and shows you a good time and teaches you the art of the penis.
Niko was funcled by Joe.
by Nego the Negro October 1, 2020
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When your mum fucks your uncle thus, Funcle.
Chantal has funcle baby syndrome, her mum and uncle of bumped uglies.
by bobmarty December 28, 2022
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