A Fuckboy is the type of guy who does shit that generally pisses the population of the earth off all the time. He will also lead girls on just for hookups, says hes really into you but doesn't want to deal with all the "relationship bullshit" just to fuck you. He thinks about himself and only himself all the time but pretends to be really nice. He also does really fucked up shit and then complains about people who do the same old shit as him. once a fuckboy always a fuckboy, because fuck boys ganna be fuckboys.
a fuck boy can be anybody that pisses you off, example "me: dude that kid really just punch a whole in your wall for no reason?
friend: yea told the kid the party was over but he wouldn't listen and punched the wall.
me: what a fucking fuckboy."
by youngsnaps October 23, 2014
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A boy who wants to stick his dick into every hot girl he sees.

A guide on how to spot this common but disgusting species:

- white Nike tube socks with Adidas sandals

-asks for nudes

-tells you you're the only girl he's talking to

-adds #420 to his bio cause he smoked weed once

- has lots of insecurities
"Omg that boy is such a fuckboy"
"Yeah that one vaping outside McDonald's "
by Asian.barbie January 16, 2017
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A general piece of shit who is going nowhere in life but thinks he's the greatest gift to mankind and will literally try to steal your money and double cross you. He is literally the scum of the scum on the bottom of your shoe after you have trekked 10,000 miles across the world without ever taking a bath. He is the most vile, disgusting, shithead and will literally poison your world just by being in the same vicinity of him.
Willie Stanfield is the literal definition of a fuckboy.
by HakunaMatata23 May 22, 2015
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Asshole boy who is into strict when it comes to getting what he wants; he will lead a girl on and let her down, then apologize only to ask for "pics" once the girl gives back into her trust. They pretend to genuinely care about the girl but always fail to prove the supposed affection. Even though he said he cared, honey, he never did. He calls you babygirl or babe and says "lose the shirt" or "rip that off" "god fuck me😍👅" He almost never makes plans because he has to hangout on his terms which could be only so if he is turned on at the moment, However, if she asks to hangout as she hopes to turn him out of the fuckboy shit he is and actually to help him, he will bail on them without a second thought. If a girl tries to stand up to this asshole he will most likely deny everything and turn it all around on the girl making it seem as though the conflict at stake is her fault and he has done nothing wrong. He comes crawling back, only because he is a horny prick, and that's for sure. These are the type of boys that are jealous.. and get very jealous. They end the relationship, if there ever is one. Realizing once you are gone, they come crawling back, even months later. Smart girls wont take them. These guys pretend they don't see you when they do. They act as if they have never met you and nothing ever happened. They wont even look you in the eye when you talk.. test it out if youre reading this..
"He just completely ignored the fact I care.."
"What do you expect, Kaitlin?? Hes a total fuckboy."
by girl you made cry many times February 4, 2017
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Someone who treats a girl like a toy and puts her on a shelf when he's done playing with her. They usually are over 6 feet with stunning eyes that captivate you and a certain charisma that makes you fall for every word they say. They play many sports and are sometimes talented in musical arts and such. Although their personals and approach towards girls make their body's a total waste. They take about 6-12months of your life away from you and at the very end of your encounter with a Fuckboy they will not only tell you "we didn't even talk like that" but they will tell their friends that you're crazy. (Even tho he was in ur messages a few days ago with a "baby imy". )
Me: "omg why is he telling his friends we don't talk"
Friend: "prolly Bc he's a Fuckboy"
by Drakesnewalbum April 30, 2016
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a guy who is a cheating bastard and goes from girl to girl and can possibly have a lot of sex. He will also not admit he's a Fuckboy because he thinks he has a special charm but he doesn't. Basically he is a player. Its the guy version for hoe.
That fuckboy dumped me for my bestfriend after we have dated for a week.
by Be home January 13, 2015
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Asshole who uses girls for his benefit. He starts off sweet, makes you believe everything you wanna hear. He always lets you down but apologizes to continue demanding more "pics." He pretends to care but his actions never prove any affection. He complains your tits aren’t out enough since you need to show off your assets to other guys. He only sees you at night for sex and never lets you sleep over. He shows up unexpected at night to get in your pants before goin home to bed. He cancels plans cuz he’s busy even if they’re his idea. He forces you to listen to him bitch about the last girl and awful things she did over and over so you believe him. Later you realize he never actually tried when you’re forced to hear him vent how he tried with other women who blew him off. Don’t look past all this even if you care about him. He doesn’t see anything wrong with how he treats you and wants to continue pulling off a kunkel with girls. He trash talks friends, siblings, coworkers to feel better about himself. If you try to stand up to this asshole he’ll deny it and try to turn it on you. He doesn’t care and will wait til you’re at your worst (ie. family dying, your birthday) to end it. When you’re crying in front of him he’ll laugh at you as tears stream down your face. He’ll say he just needs space and isn’t saying it’s done forever so you’re sitting at home waiting. Boys like this are egotistical assholes who can’t be trusted and deserve nothing but the same in return.
Megan: “He tells me he cares about me but why does he hold me to his ex’s mistakes? I wasn’t the one who left his sweatshirt receipt in the shopping bag and stood him up on his birthday. He wouldn’t spend time with me on his birthday because he said I could do the same thing to him”

Maria: “If he cared about you he wouldn’t treat you that way. He should never make you pay for someone else’s mistakes”

Megan: “Sometimes he ignores me when I ask him to hang out, cancels his plans on me, and he cancelled a vacation 2 weeks before that was his idea because he is busy. What the hell is he ‘busy’ with?

Maria: “Maybe you don’t want to know what he was busy with. He’s obviously using you”

Megan: “He showed up at my apartment unannounced last night at 10pm to sleep with me and then went right home”

Maria: “He’s an ass. You can’t let someone use you like that”

Megan: “He refused to let me sleep at his house, even dating him for a year. I almost got in an accident multiple times driving home in snow storms on his back roads. What’s wrong with me that he doesn’t even care about that?”

Maria: “He’s clearly a fuckboy who doesn’t care and has no respect for you at all. You should never let someone treat you that way”
by Wadeisalowlifedick January 30, 2018
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