Someone who believes fruits are superior to vegetables.
To say a carrot is orange, but an orange isn't carrot is fruitist.
by 3jt May 29, 2011
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Someone who discriminates against specific fruits and the times and places they can be eaten.
Fruitist is someone who says watermelon can't be eaten for breakfast because it isn't really a morning fruit.
by ChefE December 14, 2017
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When something is silly, stupid, annoying, anything you don't like, it's Fruitistical.
Mom: You should wear your red shirt today! It looks so nice on you!

Kid: No mom that shirt is just Fruitistical!
by Birdmamma December 14, 2010
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-A fruit expert.
-Someone who refuses to thing a pineapple isnt a berry, even tho it is.
My friend Niki refuses to believe a pineapple is a berry, therefor she is a fruitist.
by Danielle June 1, 2005
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An expert on fruit.
Someone who knows the difference between a fruit and a vegetable.
Niki knows about pineapples, shes a fruitist!
by Danielle June 2, 2005
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