psychological trick used on ones self to feel less creepy about following a woman
steve- hey tom what did you do today
tom- well i got reverse followed by this lady for like 3 hours
by rawdogkilla November 6, 2013
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When someone's social media page is fun/exciting/amazing that you have to follow it.
OMG Selena is so followable rn!!
by THE SFG (small friendly giant) December 11, 2016
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trend followers is a person who follows the crowd. This Kind of person is extremely cringe.

Example, you buy some new shoes that arent popular and ppl make fun of your shoes and a few months later the shoes become popular now everyone wears them.
Another example. Everyone says the same words, same slang just because everyone else is saying it.
These people cant come up with their own lingo, own style own slang to save their lives.

One last Example

Youre scrolling on youtube and you see a good video and you see 10000 other ppl doing the same exact thing... like the "we're gamers of course" or the "we're hoopers of course" videos... basically uncreative people that just copy and paste what others do for cool points
by Trend followers April 25, 2024
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July 5 is where u celebrate your favorite follow
Omg Jane is so cool shes my favorite follower for National favorite follower day
by Eight4w July 5, 2022
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It’s win usually people from the government firefighters policeman I’ll follow you around and make you think you’re going crazy
I saw the gang follow you around until you killed yourself because you thought you were crazy
by J.Martin March 24, 2022
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Similar to NPC Energy, with the addition of being a eager to please bitch boy, like a follower in an RPG.
Friend 1: Hey dude, can you help me move into my new apartment this weekend?
Friend 2: I have to, it's part of my follower energy.
by MrJoaster January 28, 2020
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The greatest artist to grace the face of this planet.
The Why Follows, so why follow.
by The Why Follows November 23, 2021
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