A flexible adjective used primarily to describe prawns and other humanoid extraterrestrial life. And some other things too, if you're from South Africa.
That fookin prawn just ate some fookin cat food!
by Wikus Van De Merwe February 16, 2010
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A Word Owned by Dominic Harrison ( a Yorkshire Man). If you are part of the BHC, you probably say use this word daily 🖤
No I WaNt FoOkin MoRe
A Fookin Chicken
Fookin Shit
by Ellie (@yungbluds_yorkshiretea September 19, 2020
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The result of someone with a Mancunian accent trying to say the word 'fucking'
"Oi, ya fookin' bastard ya!
by Martin Thomas July 9, 2003
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The oh-so-cooler way to say fucking, not as a verb, but as an adjective/adverb.
Person 1: Bish, are you fo' real?!

by Christian Waters October 8, 2006
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All you can eat Chinese buffet in Belfast. "It's only a fookin' fiver!"
Richard: "Oh, lets have some lunch".
Ciara: "OK... where?"
Richard: "I know - Fookin".
Ciara: "Great - let's go!"
Vicki: "I like ducks."
by Peanutter December 4, 2007
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fookin is a nick-name that was given to a man from Ohio. He is the leader of a xboxlive clan that is one of the best clans in the world. His gamertag on xboxlive is TDA FOOKIN HC. He is the founder of The Devils Advocates. I heard that he got his name originaly from playing paintball, apparantly he was a one man machine and took out 9 other people. When the players got shot they went back to a neutral zone and stated they got shot by fookin ed. Come to find out this guy is an underground celebrity in no submission fighting around Cleveland and bankrolled some major cash, never losing a fight. People that met him say that he is a funny s.o.b. but they know he could break them in about 5 seconds. Fookin dissapeared from the fighting scene and resurfaced on xboxlive. All I can say is that if you ever talk with him be nice. That is the myth of FOOKIN. In order to earn the definition you have to take it away from the original FOOKIN. Good Luck
FOOKIN is the baddest underground fighter alive.
by call it the way I see it November 11, 2006
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