n. An unusually long, hanging clitoris.
"Does that stripper have a really tiny dick?"
"No, man, that's just a floppy"
by dlm454 March 7, 2007
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An old-fashioned 5.25-inch floppy disk, commonly used in early personal computers (such as Apple IIs and IBM PCs). So nicknamed because, unlike 3.5-inch floppies, they are flexible enough to bend when waved (that is, they flop around).
I should put a 5.25" drive in my old computer and see if there are any DOS games I want from the old floppy floppies.

Circa 1990:
Person A: "Can I borrow a floppy disk?"
Person B: "Hard floppy or floppy floppy?"
by Aaron of Minneapolis August 24, 2009
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sally was on a trampoline her tits were oh so floppy
by rs March 28, 2004
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1. mostly found in new jersey, this type of male is generally malnourished, over 6'0 tall with a slight suggestion of muscle tone. also comes with a comically large cock thanks to the pharm-laced new jersey water system. usually unemployed. always great in bed.
by fourcarats December 6, 2010
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Floppy : extremely derogitive term derived from south african 70's slang Meaning/reffering to a dead black mans body used by white police to describe doa (dead on arrival) and on the streets pre-tense as a threat towards a black south african.
"that n***a is flirting with my girl i'ma make him a floppy"
by nut- April 30, 2007
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A girl who is crazy, funny, loud but also shy.
wow floppy has floppy ankles!
by floppy! March 11, 2022
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Floppiness, when muscles are so weak you struggle to stand move or sometimes even breath for no reason what so ever. Be aware to stand around people when they say they suffer from floppiness.....chances are they might just fall over.
Alex: "Where's Bob gone?"
Tim: "Oh he's lying on the pavement, he suffers from floppiness"
by creatives4 April 24, 2014
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