Someone who disowns chunguses over 20 times by reowning and disowning then I’ve Rand over again just to mess with their mind and they become mean. That’s why there is an ABUSIVE CHUNGUS THAT’S MENTALLY WEAK
Holy Chanel. My Fadda is such a gfoat but he’s also a she as in my Fadda is Chanel so that means Chanel is abusive meaning that Chanel is not a cween but she is a gfoe
by Fadda Karl December 10, 2019
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Old, log, blites, bandwagoner
Need a team to lose? Invite Fadda
by CK389 July 3, 2019
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Did you see devin today ? He's such a fadda.
by xXtwililinkXx June 2, 2011
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fadda A word In the trini dictionary, used to describe a father.
"Aye, yuh fadda coming for yuh later eh!"
by Mckoslet May 4, 2022
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fadda A word in the Trini dictionary, used to describe A father or male parent.
your fadda coming for you.
by Mckoslet May 4, 2022
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