A person of the female gender who gets fucked in prison with dildos. They can be passed around and are used as an item for enjoyment.
"Hey look that female looks like a fuckho lets go stick this in her"
by zavoid August 20, 2015
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Boy 1: "Oh look, it's Ella Falco."
Boy 2: "Nah fam, it's Ella Fuckhoe."
by anonymous poster :) July 9, 2018
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The word comes from two bases, Fuck and Hoe. A Fuckhoe is a hoe, broad, girl, biddie, slut that you fuck in your extra or spare time. A good time to have a fuckhoe would be at lunch break for example.
"Hey Brady did you and Woodsy have a 3 some with that fuckhoe at lunch yesterday?"

"Ya man, she's kinda getting to be a Dusty Mutslut, I'm thinking i should find a new one.."
by Wooder74 December 8, 2009
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It means fuck off and your a hoe as in gay as hell so;fuck off
Hey go fuckho off somewhere else please thanks.
by Ah oh bitch December 7, 2018
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