This is Ecstasy:

This profound love, this sudden mind rush that has you absolutely floored. You "open" your eyes and look around, surrounded by friends you love, who love you back, you feel your heart open to the most infinite, deepest love you could possibly imagine. The kind of love you feel when your mom is sick and you are taking care of her x100. It is so pure and unhindered by your own personal problems. Your barriers go with it. You can say things shamelessly that you would have previously blushed to even privately think about. And previously what might have been met with scorn is met with another's infinite love.

The happiest and most free you've ever felt times 100.
a warm feeling all over. Touch is so innately sensitive that just the smallest touch feels absolutely amazing.

I tell everyone I love them and I mean it with every fiber of my being at that point in time. E is the human race without the primal, darwinian, negative emotions that bog us down. E is indescribable,E is to be experienced, E is unreal. The feeling of E is utopia.

Ecstasy is currently being tested for use with PTSD and other emotional traumas. Before it was illegal it was used in marriage counseling. What makes you feel so loving and comfortable with everyone is the hormone oxytocin.

If you're feeling crappy after taking E, it's most likely from the immense stress ecstasy puts on your body and adrenals. It's not brain damage, it's your body.
"hey man what's Ecstasy"

The most amazing life changing drug.
by feces face February 21, 2011
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Methylenedioxy-n-methylamphetamine MDMA is a 'psychedelic amphetamine' that has gained popularity over the past 20 years because of its ability to produce strong feelings of comfort, empathy, and connection to others. It most frequently comes in tablet form, although it is occasionally sold in capsules or as powder. It is most frequently used orally and rarely snorted. MDMA use is closely tied to the underground rave (and dance club) scene throughout the world, but has also been widely used by therapists as an adjunct to psychotherapy.
They took ecstacy before the concert and the effect lasted almost 4 hours.
by reptiles October 4, 2002
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A 5 hour orgasm...
I had some Ecstasy last was awesome, i felt so happy, and i fell in love with everyone....
by CookieMonstah July 1, 2011
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the best fuckin drug ever, the love drug,you feel no emotions besides the emotion of happiness & love, light headed, feels like your walkin on cloulds, but when your rollin on this fuckin amazing shit right here, drink a lot of water & if its your first time make sure theres someone sobor takin care of you..but other then that its so amazing there nothing like this..i was 14 when i first took was wonderful, you get etracted to everyone around you hugs are amazing, massages are the best all you want to do is make love & your puples get hella big haha but yeah lay on the grass & it feels like your floating, its pretty easy to control, but you only control it when your parents are around or you see someone that will tell on your ass ha, your day will seem like a hella overrated party.
& when you drink water it feels like no other..its like a big chunck of your throat is gone..theres no explaination.
music pounding
head throbing
weightless, no remeberization, no feelings excpept the feeling of happiness and love, puples become bigger. a smile comes in and a shape of happiness. laughter goes around, not caring what they think, feeling free, as if everyone knew you and no worries about anything, chewing on something anything feels amazing hugging people, their soft skin touching yours theres no explaination. Drinking water the best feeling, throat is gone you cant feel anything, sweating, dont give a fuck, bra's showing, who cares, walking on clouds, lightheaded, having the greatest night in your whole intire life.
so yeah just try it, you'll love it
"so whats happening are we rollin tonight!?!"
"oh yeah fer sure..we're goin to play some fun kinky games tonight, baby!!"
"we'll then lets start this shit & bring on the ecstasy party!!"
by yousexmeupcas October 28, 2008
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Ecstasy was supposedly patented in 1913 by some German chemical company to be sold as an appetite suppressant, but they decided against marketing the diet pill and had nothing to do with it. It was banned federally in 1985.

I've tried just about every drug out there and XTC is the only drug I actually enjoyed. it lasts anywhere from 3-6 hours. It gives the most intense feeling that is hard to describe; half hour after you take the pill there's a intense rush-like feeling followed by a sense of pure pleasure/bliss, it produces positive feelings, empathy for others, elimination of anxiety, and extreme relaxation. Of course it does include crappy stuff such as involuntary teeth clenching (which is why most ravers suck on those pacifiers)and give you that bug eyed look.

Becareful though if you can't handle your drugs (like me at times) I do not recommend doing E, it can make you do and say things you will be ashamed of after the high is gone, plus the comedown can be huge a bitch. Not to mention the long-term effects that can leave you at risk of developing permanent brain damage that may manifest itself in depression, anxiety, memory loss, and other neuropsychotic disorders (some of which I may actually have now)
If you wanna try it do it once or twice, so you won't become one of those E-tarded burn-outs
by Helena April 25, 2005
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you have a permanent grin on your face the entire time and touch feels amazing. you feel closer to whoever you are around and you have no worries at all
girl: dame, i can't explain how much i love you man. i can't believe how close we are dude
boy she hates: ........we hate each other tho
boy she hates: are you on Ecstasy?
girl: noooooooo, why would you think that?
boy she hates: .........i have no idea
girl: -hugs him- you smell so good~
boy she hates: uhhhh....
by Otakugirl April 14, 2014
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God's way of giving us heaven on earth, taking ecstasy is the best decision you can ever make in your life.
I used to be depressed but then i tried ecstasy and my life has so much more meaning now! I wish i could roll through my life.
by rollerchick November 22, 2010
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