by Scott the Dick January 13, 2014
Girl: Wow, you have enormous penis syndrome? I've never heard of that.
Barney: Yeah, that's the problem with EPS, lack of awareness.
Barney: Yeah, that's the problem with EPS, lack of awareness.
by nightfoxx February 21, 2012
by the boss2225 September 24, 2010
An investor term meaning earnings per share. Usually is a good indicator of a stocks growth and health.
by Robosapien123 May 18, 2008
by Barney Stinson69 March 2, 2012
A Latin male that fucks alot - prostitutes, strippers, grandmas and hot girls alike - only goal is to skeet - wears vivid eel skin rubbers and is a bad ass bitch. Uppercuts the vaginal region on loose women
EPS did those bitches so dirty.
by Eric Pineda March 14, 2005
the eps talks about didimons all the time. i said "what are didimons?" and they said "your a punk ass tron."
by fatty January 20, 2005