by WOW 🍭 March 25, 2019
Joe: “have you seen my homework papers?”
Karen: “we have homework?”
Joe: “Yeah, where are my papers?”
Karen: “WE HAD PAPERS?!”
Joe: “Jesus lord..Why are you so dumbfounded all the time..”
Karen: “we have homework?”
Joe: “Yeah, where are my papers?”
Karen: “WE HAD PAPERS?!”
Joe: “Jesus lord..Why are you so dumbfounded all the time..”
by Carlss..anthem January 1, 2020
Syd: Dude that kid actually thought you played for Bodom.
Kraig: I'm not really surprised, I always believed that kid was pathetically dumbfounded. This just proved my point.
Kraig: I'm not really surprised, I always believed that kid was pathetically dumbfounded. This just proved my point.
by Rawr ! February 11, 2005
- To be greatly astonished or surpised.
Me:The things you say are dumbfounded.
Friend: I'm not dumb!
Me: Well I wasn't saying you were, I was saying the things you said are showing that you are astonished at unimpressive things. Now I'm saying you're dumb.
Friend: I'm not dumb!
Me: Well I wasn't saying you were, I was saying the things you said are showing that you are astonished at unimpressive things. Now I'm saying you're dumb.
by It'sAnonymouse March 30, 2018
by Guy in state of dumbfoundation July 9, 2009
i dumbfouned the shit out of that girl.
by glaids April 8, 2004
by Juan Crespo March 15, 2005