by Ignignoknerr November 26, 2009
What someone who is clearly defeated in an argument will say to try and end the argument before being beaten even more soundly.
by Herman D. Optional July 29, 2004
Hold hand up in front of other person's face, close hand into fist, say "Don't talk to the hand because even he's not interested" Now look away.
by JediAndi March 24, 2006
Tyrone: bruh, you odyssey the tits on that hoe, would you get honor?
Bob: ...
Tyrone: Buh bruh i hope she go foamy, my dictate good.
Bob: woah wait wtf, don't talk black to me. Lets have some real talk.
Bob: ...
Tyrone: Buh bruh i hope she go foamy, my dictate good.
Bob: woah wait wtf, don't talk black to me. Lets have some real talk.
by Ayee_Aaron February 2, 2010
Usually when a mexican is insulting you in spanish you can answer that, meaning that you dont give a fuck.
by diabloツ May 11, 2020
When you're extremely bored that you search up a Disney song...
What definition do you want?! Go outside or something
Ok fine, 'We don't talk about Bruno' is a Disney song from the movie 'Encanto'
What more do you want?
What definition do you want?! Go outside or something
Ok fine, 'We don't talk about Bruno' is a Disney song from the movie 'Encanto'
What more do you want?
Person 1: Hey, how you doing?
Person 2: I am extremely bored, so I search up that one song We don't talk about Bruno. from Disney's Encanto...
Person 1: Go outside XD
Person 2: I am extremely bored, so I search up that one song We don't talk about Bruno. from Disney's Encanto...
Person 1: Go outside XD
by Hfjdujdjzhxjd January 19, 2022
It is a song from Encanto.
Search it up on Google if your so desperate.
The basic definition is that Bruno was a good boi. Why u bully him
Search it up on Google if your so desperate.
The basic definition is that Bruno was a good boi. Why u bully him
Me: We Don't Talk About Bruno, no no noooo
Friend: Why don't we talk about Bruno?
Me: It was my wedding day..
Friend: Wait, you had a wedding? How come I wasn't invited?!
Me: Let me finish bro
Friend: Why don't we talk about Bruno?
Me: It was my wedding day..
Friend: Wait, you had a wedding? How come I wasn't invited?!
Me: Let me finish bro
by bruno fan March 19, 2022