To be constantly harrassed by co-worker/ asshole in the company.
That prick Steve dawkined me all week over stupid fucking shit
by intermingler September 15, 2017
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A flying football player who is unstoppable and plays for the Eagles.
I saw Dawkins fly over my house at 6 knots.
by chump211 February 15, 2005
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A Term of Insult, worse than anthing else ever
Your a Right Dawkins
by The Bish Bash October 9, 2006
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An act of extreme hubris and hypocracy, in which someone vehemently opposed to something uses the exact same methods and arguments as the object of their scorn to achieve their own ends.
from Richard Dawkins, the noted evolutionary biologist, curmudgeon and deiaphobe who is EVANGELICAL in wanting to CONVERT people to athiesm.
Odd Christian, Right Wing Fundamentalist: "I`m so PRO-LIFE I`m willing to KILL doctors who carry out abortions!"

Cynical Welshman: "Really? how very Dawkins of you."
by Kynth March 23, 2008
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Someone who obstinately tries to defend his dogmatic, absurd ideas and avoids every possible confrontation with the truth.

Referring to the naturalist Richard Dawkins, who still tries to defend the theory of evolution, but avoids Harun Yahyas request to have a debate.
5 years old child Richard: Momma, momma, I've seen flying elephants!
Mom: Richie, Elephants don't have wings, so they can't fly.
Richard: I've seen them flying with their ears.
Mom: Richard, stop this please. You are getting Dawkins.
by Mister Georg Double u April 13, 2009
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An act of extreme hubris and hypocracy, in which someone vehemently opposed to something uses the exact same methods and arguments as the object of their scorn to achieve their own ends.
from Richard Dawkins, the noted evolutionary biologist, curmudgeon and deiaphobe who is EVANGELICAL in wanting to CONVERT people to athiesm.
Odd Christian, Right Wing Fundamentalist: "I`m so PRO-LIFE I`m willing to KILL doctors who carry out abortions!"

Cynical Welshman: "Really? how very Dawkins of you."
by Kynth March 23, 2008
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When you are drunk and start to slur your words so badly you create new ones, you have pulled a dawkins. Like "imagistration". A prime example of this was Daryl Dawkins judging the 2008 dunk contest in which he was clearly drunk or losing his mind in his old age.
"yo i was mad drunk last night i dont even know what i was sayin. I was straight Dawkins."
by JRaynes February 18, 2008
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