Short for Digital-To-Analog converter, usually a computer chip that converts digital data into analog signals. A DAC is used in computer devices such as Grapic and Audio Cards, Modems etc.
"Our customers can rely on our new DAC to perform very well"
by PrimeTime February 20, 2005
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DAC = David Allan Coe, one of the finest outlaw country artists to ever grace the scene. Wrote timeless classics such as "Take this job and shove it", "You never even called me by my name", "Would you lay with me(in a field of stone)", "Mona Lisa lost her smile" and countless more. Also collaborated with the late great Dimebag Darrell Abbott on an album entitled "Rebel meets rebel" which every metal and country fan should own.
David Allan Coe is a fine lyricist.

David Allan Coe has written some of the best country music around.

David Allan Coe is NOT Johnny rebel!

DAC, a true american rebel.
by Brian March 15, 2006
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He just posted his credit card number on a public forum. He's truly a DAC.
by davexy April 21, 2009
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"Damn Auto Correct "
When using virtual keyboard to enter a text, the auto-correct feature changes the word you mean to type into something completely different. But you don't see it before the message is sent.

You then text, "dac" to explain it was not what you meant to write before you get slapped for sending something obscene, rude, or just misleading.
That dac.. got me in trouble again
by Neoz June 15, 2011
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Short for Don't Actually Care.
Usually used in circumstances where one is avoiding the use of sarcasm.
Person 1: Dude, I found out the other day that Stephanie and Joe were getting back together!
Person 2: DAC
by Justin Case 13 September 18, 2016
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Brenn Is DAC
You become DAC by taking it in the ass twice
by I Maker DAC September 19, 2017
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by abc March 9, 2005
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