
That place is creaking it should be pulled down

This jumper is creaking. It's seen better days
by notquitepatrick April 25, 2018
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"Mum, where is Oliver?"

"Oh! He's in his room, creaking."
by ethmic12 December 22, 2017
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YOOO Gary is straight creaking
by monkey2cody April 11, 2019
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The floors where creaking as he walked through the house.
by KillN4ALivN November 6, 2013
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A onomatopoeia that represents a sound that is usually made by stuff like an old door/floor, rusted hinges, etc...

Or a kind of small river, if you happen to have really bad spelling and/or a typo.
1) Person A opens a rusty trap door which opens with a creaking sound.

2) Person X: And so my dad and I went fishing in the creak...
Person Y: Dude, it's C-R-E-E-K. No A.
by Ebony Chalk December 23, 2008
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Someone who is a cross between a freak and a creep.

In other words, a creepy freak.
Yo man, you are acting like a complete creak.

You are one creaky dude, take your Mums underwear off.
by Romsey Finest November 17, 2010
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A slang version of screw or sexual intercourse. Only used by certain individuals who are kind of weird.
Guy: Yo dawg wanna creak later?
Chick: Fo real. Meet me at 7 at ma crib.
by lilHDawg May 31, 2006
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