7 definitions by Ebony Chalk

Something that is either beautiful, amazing, and emotionally evoking... Unless it's something made by someone with REALLY good persuasive skills and/or excuses.
Art Dealer: So, what does this black dot in the middle of this gigantic canvas represent?
"Artist": Umm...
Art Dealer: Wait, don't tell me. It represents the small impurities in all things that appear to be pure!
"Artist": Sure let's go with that. It also represents contrast, negative space, etc...
by Ebony Chalk December 22, 2008
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A type of lung disease caused by breathing in silica dust.

The longest word in the oxford dictionary.
Person A: Hey, guess what? I can spell the longest word ever! *Spells out pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.*
Person B: Dude, get a life...
by Ebony Chalk December 27, 2008
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A sound people make when they're too busy and/or too lazy to say real words.
1) Bossy-Person: Do your work!
Lazy-Person: *Groan*

2) During sex, they groaned a lot.
by Ebony Chalk December 22, 2008
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Someone who doesn't fit into society due to a mind that doesn't work normally.

The only difference between an insane person and a genius is that while a genius does something to amaze people, an insane person inconveniences them.
A guy who digs through people's trash and eats them. (Insane)

A guy who digs through people's trash, glues it together and labels it art. (Genius)
by Ebony Chalk December 22, 2008
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A form of an insult, usually meaning 'crazy'.

Or, a kind of dessert that deeply resembles a loaf of bread only it's a lot sweeter, softer, and contains candied fruit... Which aren't actually fruits at all.
1) A person digs through trash and eats it. Observer says, "Dude, what a fruit cake!"

2) Why a 'fruit cake' is called a fruit cake is a mystery since it isn't really a cake, and it doesn't even have fruits inside.
by Ebony Chalk December 23, 2008
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As a noun: A bunch of color (usually paint) applied onto a canvas (which resembles a white, thick piece of fabric attached to a frame). Depending on the skill of the artist and/or the taste of the viewer, it can be labeled as 'art'... Or an over-priced piece of wood, fabric, and paint.

Verb: The act of applying color (usually paint by the use of a brush) over the canvas.
Noun: The Mona Lisa is a painting which became famous because someone stole it... If you've ever been to the museum, you can see WHY it was stolen. (It's the ONLY painting that could possibly fit through the doorway. The other paintings are HUGE.)

Verb: Person A: What the hell are you doing?
Person B: Painting.
Person A: ... (Does dumping buckets of paint on a canvas count as 'painting'?)
by Ebony Chalk December 27, 2008
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A onomatopoeia that represents a sound that is usually made by stuff like an old door/floor, rusted hinges, etc...

Or a kind of small river, if you happen to have really bad spelling and/or a typo.
1) Person A opens a rusty trap door which opens with a creaking sound.

2) Person X: And so my dad and I went fishing in the creak...
Person Y: Dude, it's C-R-E-E-K. No A.
by Ebony Chalk December 23, 2008
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