At one time a deep, earthy, and universally respected genre of folk music embraced by people from all walks of life, and performed by heartland poets who wrote touching melodies and thought-provoking but subtle messages about life, love, and loss, country music has now grown into a dim shadow of its former greatness.

Record companies have appropriated it for their own profit as they will with any great artistic movement. Insipid, voiceless dandies with the depth of wading pools have been propped up as the new "idols." Irresponsible and uninformed political rhetoric has usurped the lyrical foreground, alienating many fans and completely betraying the music's original status as art for the everyman, while mediocrity and uniformity sum up the musical direction.

If we can ever be blessed again by another visionary, a Williams Sr., a Cash, a Cline, or a Miller, maybe things will change. But for now, country music remains a brutally raped and distorted picture of art stolen from the artists.
You call that country music? Toby Keith is nothing more than an obnoxious, pre-packaged pretty-boy masquarading as a country artist! Shut that crap off and play me some Johnny Cash!!!
by Buddy-Rey September 1, 2006
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a once-vital form of rustic music derived from European styles of folk and dance music made by European immigrants to America. It's generally played with instruments like the mandolin, acoustic and steel guitars, fiddle and so on. It used to be about observations of the world, life and love in its complexities. Now it's all cliched, with imagery of cowboys, macho bragadoccio, Southern pride, small town life, "she done him wrong", "tears in my beer", "redneck" living, sentimental tripe like the trend-chasing "Angels Among Us", and "family values". Oh yes, and "God bless the U.S.A." jingoism. Ever since Garth Brooks (who is a watered down Bob Seger) hit it big in the fucking PC 90s, country has been "yuppified" and formulaic. Now there boring piano ballads with cliched lyrics galore sung by lousy Richard Marx clones with cowboy hats, the generic hat acts, pretty ladies singing tunes fit only for shopping mall opening-dedications, sexy ladies who sing corporate pop (no, it don't impress me much) and preachy, jingoistic sentimental crap in the aftermath of all this 9/11 business like the aw-shucks "Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning". This trash is pushed on the sheep public by corporate execs in suits.
Country music has a rich history, having been around all through the 20th century, maybe before. It is a "root music" of rock'n'roll (along with jazz, blues and other styles). Then in the mid 90s country lost its vitality, absorbed influences from 70s adult contemporary acts like Fleetwood Mac and the Eagles and it's been gawlee gee money-making yee-haw crap ever since, in other words, a pale imitation of what the genre once was. For hicks, soccer moms and yuppies. Utter puke. Whole families listen to this swill, the kids grow up and become slaves to manufactured trash "music" and stereotypes. Sad, really sad.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 5, 2006
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A music style that used to be about "Cowboys" and "Tractors" and shit. The music was almost always made by a fiddle, acoustic guitar, harmonica, and/or a chello.

Now, country music is basicly just badly done rock-guitar pop-ballads (or repitive piano pop-ballads) with such themes as "My Wife Left Me", "Im Leaving my Husband", "my Spouse is Dead or a thousnad miles away and i am lonley", and "Drinking Songs", sung by untalented Males who all try to sound the same, and females who either sing like a hurt timid female, or a Strong Independent Woman Who is Leaving Her Boyfriend For Some Unknown Reason.

Hell, modern country wouldnt even be considered country music if it didnt include that stupid highpitched country noise (i cant describe it. If you have heard country music, you know what im talking about) made by some unknown instrument.
by Metal Head June 24, 2004
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A genre of music that haunts many souls. If you live in the Southern part of the United States and hate the genre, you are pretty much asking for death.
Northern Person 1: I guess its your turn to choose the music for the car trip.
Southern Person 2: Okay, I know exactly what to put on! *Turns on a Country Music Playlist, and Big Green Tractor begins playing*
Northern Person 1: *Crashes car due to the horrible music blaring through the speakers.*
by ThatDudeTwentyTwo October 13, 2021
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A form of music in which the words can be understood, any instrument is game, writing talent is critical, and every song doesn't have to be about horny depressed teenagers singing one or two lines over and over.
Songs about life. Check out some Johnny Cash lyrics if you're still confused.
by Educated February 16, 2005
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a type of music that typically sounds absolutely terrible but somehow has really amazing lyrics

with the exception of taylor swift, she’s amazing
gravy, please stop infecting my showtunes with your country music.”
by Olau Alexa Clone April 1, 2022
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Music that was once pretty respectable. Nowadays, it's been hijacked by rednecks singing about trucks, God, small town farms, and how America can do no wrong.
Country music's quality declined in reverse proportion to it's rise in mainstream popularity.

Compare good acts such as The Statler Brothers and Johnny Cash to modern acts such as Toby Keith and Trailer Park Choir.
by 87r747347435634634653245623 December 11, 2010
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