1. A beautiful flower. Also the state flower of Colorado (even before the incident)
2. One of the most tragic of attacks the nation has ever seen. On 20 April 1999 Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris entered their high school in Littleton, Colorado and murdered 13 people - 12 students and a teacher, before taking their own lives. Blame whomever you want, but they were the ones to pull the triggers and set up the bombs. Sadly, few really learned the lesson outside of Littleton.
Show some respect people, this was the most horrific of events and some of you just laugh it off. I'm disgusted.
by 'rado May 14, 2005
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To lose sanity and go on a rampage (shooting or otherwise) on people (guilty and innocent alike) in a larger group after the larger group has caused you stress, pain, and discomfort that leads to your loss of sanity. See also wordpostalword
The constant bullying of the preppies and jocks have caused him to pick up his AK-47 and go Columbine on everyone.
by KinFreon May 20, 2003
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Where some of my best friends died.
April 20, 1999 at Columbine was the worst day of my life
by Stephanie. November 3, 2005
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School in Littleton, Colorado where Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot 16 people, including themselves, on April 20, 1999.
Shut up, Daniel Peck. It's because of assholes like you that they felt that the world and almost everyone in it sucked, and they decided to take matters into their own hands.
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1. A flower
2. A high school where two social outcasts shot afew students because they were being teased so much.
3. A term coined from def.#2 that is about the school shooting.
1. Columbines are pretty.
2. Columbine high school must have had the worst security.
3. We're always talking about Columbine at school.
by Anonymous June 28, 2003
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Event in which two social outcasts, who were simply tired of being picked on, ran rampage throughout their school, shooting and killing afew people in the process.
Contrary to popular belief, the Columbine kids didn't do this because of Marilyn Manson, Neo-Nazism, The Matrix, or Doom (although these did contribute to their defective minds.) They did it because they were tired of being picked on!
by just another freaky kid September 2, 2003
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A town in Colorado where a shooting happened at the local high school on April 20, 1999. Now has become a funny joke among edgy preteens and teens in the Youtube comment section of Pumped Up Kicks.
Teen in the YouTube comment section: columbine was so cool i wish i did it
Me: Shut up, you edgy teen.
by Rainiered October 27, 2020
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