
An amazing ship of two of the smollest beans to ever kiss in the sisters of quiet mercy. Like omgg, could they get any cuter?
Cheryl and Toni - choni - is my riverdale OTP.
by hot hot diggity dog March 30, 2018
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A ship between Cheryl and Toni (riverdale) they do deserve together and have a lot of chemistry
Friend:do u like choni

Me:yes they are so cute
by xreinhvrt April 22, 2018
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Choni is a “ship” between Cheryl Blossom and Toni Topaz. They are characters from a show on the CW called Riverdale. Cheryll Blossom is played by Madalaine Petch and Toni Topaz is played by Vannasa Morgan. Rumors report Madeleine and Vanessa at Best Friends irl
by Deextrann June 17, 2019
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One of the best ships to ever exist. Riverdale's power couple and OTP, Cheryl and Toni.
madelaine: "CHONI FOREVER!"
vanessa: "omg i love that"
by sun+moon April 12, 2019
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You know like in those movies how you love these 2 people and you totally ship them and it never happens. Lucky for you choni is that except for they do get together, and it’s *coughs* the best thing ever.

There is a MAJOR competition between choni and bughead. BUT STUPID BUGHEAD CAN DIE IN A HOLE! I mean there cute and all but let’s face it, we can live without bughead. You know bughead is kinda trashy.

Choni is the reason we all love Riverdale. Like season 1 who cares, season 2 ehhh season 3 YASSS SIS.

Some crusty dusty parents decided to not let there children watch Riverdale because 2 girls were dating. But you know. They are the trash. Like yet them off a cliff, because if you dont, I will, your welcome:)
by Madspetsch July 1, 2019
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A Pussy, Cunt or Bunz. A Pathetic Worm.
That Kid Matt Is A Choni!
by DeDarro August 30, 2008
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The relationship between Cheryl Blossom and Toni Topaz on Riverdale. A beautiful, gay, and badass couple of two very opposite girls. A north sider and south sider ;)
Friend: Hey do you ship Choni on riverdale?
Me: DUH they're my new otp. I love those two together!
by caitray April 22, 2018
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