
An organisation in the Mass Effect Universe. Known for it's anti-alien and supposedly pro-human policies. Headed by an individual known only as The Illusive Man (real name Jack Harper).

It claims to promote purely human interests to give Humanity it's "Rightful" place in the galaxy. Also termed a Human Supremacist organisation. Is infamous for terrorism on a galactic scale against all non-humans as well as for unethical scientific experiments and dangerous research.

Cerberus supports the principle that any methods of advancing humanity's ascension are entirely justified, including illegal or dangerous experimentation, terrorist activities, sabotage and assassination. Cerberus operatives accept that these methods are brutal, but believe history will vindicate them.

Cerberus is one of the many enemies the player will face when playing the first and third games in the Mass Effect series. Curiously, they aid the player in the second game.

This organistaion maintains it's secrecy through a number of fronts, including political parties, aerospace industries, electronics corporations, charitable interests, etc. to cover up it's more questionable activities. Is believed to be enormously well-funded, normally through these front corporations as well as from wealthy human benefactors sympathetic to it's ideals.

They are easily recognizable by their white-yellow-black armour and uniforms, as well as their diamond-like logo.
- "Cerberus IS humanity! Strength for Cerberus is strength for every human!" = The Illusive Man
- "Our goal is the advancement and preservation of humanity. Nothing more, nothing less." = Miranda Lawson, Cerberus Officer
- "Earth first!" - Terra Firma Party, a front organisation for Cerberus
- "I need a better reason than 'It has scales' to go kill something." - Unknown Human criticizing Cerberus methods
by Logical Fellow May 23, 2013
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Fear the wrath of Cerberus.
by 13 March 26, 2003
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A gun that Vincent Valentine uses in Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus. It is the main gun of the game and very powerful when upgraded. It has three barrels and is all black with silver dog heads at the end of each barrel with some lines coming off of the dogs. There is a keychain coming of the end of the handle representing the three headed dog himself, Cerberus. Also, depending on what barrel you use will depend on how much damage you do.
Vincent: I'll use the short barrel this time.
(Vincent shoots at a faster rate)
Random Soldier: uh, that hardly hurt!
(Vincent equips Cerberus' normal barrel)
Vincent: How about now?!
BOOM...Critical hit
Random Soldier: owie...
by Fragment Chaos November 5, 2006
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The three headed doggy who gaurdes hell, or hades.
Cerberus...says arf arf
by KItty March 19, 2005
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When 3 girls simultaneously give you head, 1 on each ball and one finessing the tip
Bro I hooked up with Maria, Sara, and Gabby yesterday and they give some mean cerberus
by Ajrhwhxhhrj2jfkf November 22, 2017
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A fucking badass who doesn't deal with bullshit, get to know him and he is overall a nice and funny guy who has the tendency of getting arrogant. He is a ladies man and has the sexiest smile.
He's so sexy he must be a Cerberus
by Aurora Ashley April 8, 2013
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Also, known as the Pwnage, he frequently owns noobs or n00bs.

His alias in the so-called "real life" is Nasir.
Cerberus 0wnz j00 all, biatch!
by Cerberus February 22, 2005
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