How the poor and homeless make money, by collecting bottles and cans out of garbage cans, especially in places where there are machines that count the cans.
We went canning, got $20 bucks, guess we will eat today.

I just canned $20, let's go get some booze.
by MastervDisguise November 20, 2018
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To get a flyer
Leave early
Do nothing
Claim 10 hours
"The canning is on"
by Hammy1 February 16, 2012
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Drinking an alcoholic beverage, out of a can, at your pleasure.
*3:37 AM*
Owen on his balcony yells "WHOOOOO'S CANNNING ?!?"

Canners from each house on the street run out to their balcony and crack their own can.

*9:26 AM Saturday *

Andrew stumbles to the fridge, takes snap chat with his beer with caption "Who is Canning?!?"
by Huge Canner June 26, 2019
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Things Needed: A car that u can get dirty, 2 or more people, cheap soda.

Canning is a game in which you take cheap soda cans(unopened), and throw them at road signs/mailboxes/similar objects while driving by. The idea is to go to some place that you can purchase large amounts of very cheap soda. We normally purchase about 5-8 2Liters for 50cents a piece, and between 2-4 cases of soda cans for one night. This will last about 30 min +/-. The idea is to hit roadsigns, etc. while driving down backroads preferably so theres less trouble of gettin caught. Another thing to do is to take the 2Liters and throw them in front of the moving vehicle on a straight away. there is normally a mixture of reactions with this. sometmes if u dont shake the soda it will hit the road and rocket in front of u because of the pressure inside, sometimes they will just explode.
by Pendiddy April 27, 2006
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Lying nude on your back and lifting your two legs and spreading them as wide as you can, so you are showing your balls and your asshole to surprise people walking by.
Damnit! Benjamin just showed me the can-can.
by Keefer St. Aubin November 1, 2007
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parisian burlesque dance ( with pasties )
tra la da boom de yah, can you do the can can hootchie moma!

there is a place in france where the women wear no pants.
by itichie_nocanpo July 2, 2006
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The act of anal sex in a restroom. Putting it in her can, while in THE can.
Last night at the restaurant, we slipped into the bathroom and I gave her the can can.
by PGF March 3, 2007
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