To copy another persons mannerisms and or verbage. To bite ones style.
Yo son, don't canal street my walk. Yo son, you just canal streeted my idea.
by Thomas Krown January 12, 2009
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The bodily orifice that something shoved up the ass goes into.
Note the slightly forced pronunciation here to get the rhyme.
Fabs took it up the anal canal like a man.
by Ian Chode February 25, 2004
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a kick to the mouth, especially one that
results in injury or tooth damage

The judo lesson ended early after the
instructor got an accidental boot canal.
by Poothtaste December 23, 2007
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The manmade body of water that provides access to the Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic Ocean to the Carribean Sea without necessitating a trip around Africa or through the near-impenetrable Arctic Ocean.
I don't think that there are (m)any piranhas in the Panama Canal.
by Diggity Monkeez April 3, 2005
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When the red river's flowing, you better take the Brown Canal.
by Yodex June 8, 2004
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When pretentious mother fuckers get dental work done. So you stand outside the dentist office and double dropkick their stupid, bitch ass faces as they exit the doors.
"Fucking Chad was getting his teeth fixed so I boot canaled his dumb face and he can suck it."
by BobJones69fuckyou January 20, 2019
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A neighborhood in Niagara Falle, NY which was the site of notoriety and international attention following the discovery of 21000 tons of toxic waste buried directly underneath. A school and a residential neighborhood was built on top of it. Evacuation began in 1978. It is now the Love Canal Leachate Treatment Facility, and residential areas around it are known as Black Creek.
Person A: That girl has three rows of teeth. Is that normal?
Person B: Sure it is, if you live in Love Canal.

As you have just heard, birth defects, genetic disorders and anomalies were common, especially for children living on top of 21,000 tons of toxic waste.
by SBueti May 16, 2010
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