A derogatory term for a Canadian person of Anglo-Saxon descent. Cakers have bad taste for absolutely everything, including music, film, sports, food, style and the opposite sex. Cakers love and get drunk off cheap beer and put ketchup and maple syrup on almost anything they eat. Cakers are big fans of hockey and follow the sport religiously. Toronto is the Mecca of Cakers.
A: What is Eric doing today?
B: You know, the regular, play NHL and drink beer
A: Wow, what a caker
B: Total caker
by TowTruck December 31, 2013
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A person who does not wipe their rectum with extremities such as toilet paper or hands after excreting stool. The term comes from the build-up of feces in and around the rectum, resulting in a "cake-like" texture.
"I don't wipe my ass after I shit."
"Oh, fellow caker!"
by ariesmod January 20, 2018
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The wee ones version of a kegger, with cake subbed for keg.
Man, Sammy had a totally bitchin' caker last weekend for his birthday. I think our entire third grade class was there.
by Jibba22 July 22, 2008
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Means a person who is full of utter crap (shit) and talks nothing but cake.
YOu shuch a fricking caker, god!
by cakerchic October 4, 2008
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A baker that only bakes cakes
That caker over at fozzys makes some nice cakes
by Blorpdorp September 24, 2016
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Someone who eats a lot of cake
Charles was called a caker because he ate a whole cake by himself
by cmy92 November 16, 2009
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A liar. Someone who fibs, tells untruths, etc.
Person 1: 'The cake is a lie!'
Person 2: 'What are you talking about? No, it is not.'
Person 1: 'False, you caker!'
by DigitalLove42 July 25, 2010
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