1. To galavant around under a false identity, usually performing various licentious and immoral acts.
2. To get out of a commitment by pretending to visit a problematic or sick friend or family member. Often, with the time gained from this bunburying, you bunbury do the first definition of bunburying as well.

It derives from Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Ernest", where Algernon invents a sick friend named Bunbury as an excuse to visit the countryside and avoid his relatives. Also considered bunburying, Jack invents an uncouth brother by the name of Ernest as an excuse to visit London and shirk his domestic responsibilities.
"Hey, lets go bunbury in Las Vegas!"
"Sounds good, I think my friend has some serious gambling debts that i must help him with *winkwinknudgenudge*"
by adamnsm1 May 4, 2012
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To Bunbury is to create a fictitious; person; appointment... In order to avoid obligations.
Adj. Bunburying, Bunburyist. Originated from The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde.
You sure are a Bunbury artist!
by Pengueleon August 6, 2016
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also known as Funbury or Bunvegas, Bunbury is full of rad to the power of sick people, who know how to have a good time.
person#1: lets go to Bunbury!
person#2: shit yeah, lets go have some fun!!
by Heidi321 August 1, 2011
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Bunbury, is in the south west of W.A. Its full of stuck up sea weed munching flat landers. Every bunbury cunt is full of shit have no meaning and just a waste of space.

P.S. Collie Rules
by collie4lyf August 3, 2009
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To Bunbury or to go bunburying is to have a made up excuse to get out of doing something boring.
From Oscar Wilde's 'The importance of being earnest',
where Jack creates a sick friend by the name of Bunbury to escape the boring countryside.
He said he had a dentist appointment but I reckon he's just bunburying.

The dentist? no way man! He is such a bunburyist!!!
by missy moo April 17, 2006
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Someone who has a secret alias in order to escape. Originated in London in the victorian era and evolved into a reference for someone who enjoyed a secret life of homosexuality.
It seems that Jeff does a bit of bunburying on the weekends.
by Horaz April 16, 2008
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Jenny, a local prostitute who's been know to turn tricks while sporting a plaster paris cast on a broken limb. Specialty is urinating on two men at the same time after drinking a couple of warm "Swanny D" beers.
I traveled all the way down South to see the pride of Bunbury but she was busy that weekend.
by Just a mate July 21, 2024
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