defunct 8-bit robot running a motley crew of internet rag tag inner city kids. plans to sell the kids into slavery and buy a mopad.
by bibliotecha January 29, 2003
1. A sentient robot with a penis on his head. Has been known to commit sexual acts with kitchen appliances.
2. Extremely gay person seen on the website.
2. Extremely gay person seen on the website.
1. What the hell is that bubbleman doing to my microwave?
2. Keep that bubbleman away from my children!!
2. Keep that bubbleman away from my children!!
by Sekani January 29, 2003
Evil aquatic robot from Megaman 2 that wields the power of lead bubble. He was defeated by Megaman in the year 20XX. Extremely arrogant and mean, he hates humans and insults them constantly with phrases like "meatbag" and "waste of organs." Runs his own message board on, and has his own comic and online game clan.
by Bubbleman January 29, 2003
Bubbleman, you so bad!!
by You'll never know!! January 28, 2003
by cancerVssuicide January 29, 2003
by balohna January 31, 2003