uk term - to have vigorous intercourse with.
I brucked your mum last night.

me and ____ are gonna bruck.
by joesimpson111 March 11, 2021
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The Ethiopian word for blessed. Used to name boys and girls. Most of the time they're hella hot and the girls are thicccccc. The urban dictionary versions of this name is false ;)
Bruck (boy): Hey what's up?
Girl: IM SO WET.

Bruck (girl): Oops I dropped my pencil *bends down to get a pencil*

by Ethiopian Wise Man January 11, 2017
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"Bruck" is a word synonymous with "ugly" (or words pertaining to ugly). It is predominantly used to describe individuals (or other things) that are not at all aesthetically-pleasing (and usually, are quite repulsive looking).
Harsh (11) is bruck beyond comprehension.
by Punisher71 May 6, 2007
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The state in which a singular person or beings ASS is revealed or exposed. Such as having bent over and a person or being's ASS is preaching attention and is exposed.
"Damn bro, you're Bruck is showin"
by SaruTheCat November 21, 2022
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eating yellers in the bruck.
want to go party in the bruck.
by jdjdjsdksk November 14, 2022
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Eating yellers in the bruck.
want to go party at the bruck.
by jdjdjsdksk November 14, 2022
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Almost identical to the usage of Bro. Can be used almost anywhere. My Bros are my Brucks. Its kosher dude.
Bruck #1: "Bruck! Whats goin on?!"

Bruck #2: "Bruck!" Let's get a drink Bruck."

Bruck #1: "Yeah, Bruuuuck."

Bruck #2: "Brruuuuuuuuuuucck!!!"
by BaBy Bruck November 3, 2009
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