A dealer of hash, Irish. Descended from "blow," whish means hash in Ireland. There's a song called "The Blower's Daughter" by an Irish singer named Damien Rice. None of your definitions make sense with the song but the one I'm sending.
You can get hash from the blower on the corner
by Juliana King December 17, 2004
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I have just fitted a blower to the Cuda
by Cudaman September 6, 2003
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Someone who plays a wind instrument.
Irish singer Damien Rice sings in his song The Blowers Daughter about a clarinet teachers daughter.
by Joketree May 11, 2005
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1. (canadian usage) short for a snow blower, a machine used to clear snow from roads or driveways.
God damn it! There's 20 CM of snow on the ground and my blower is in the shop again!
by G.H.Hadden December 24, 2005
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