To "blow" or smoke "one" (one could also mean several in many cases) joint, blunt, cigar, etc. that contain marijuana.
by Macjizzy October 15, 2009
by Thats16myboi September 20, 2019
by Envythis May 13, 2018
To squander an opportunity.
by ltbugaf June 25, 2005
by The Finn March 29, 2005
by Fangsta April 27, 2003
blow one's top in context:
Serena Williams blows her top, and her chance, at the US Open (The Guardian, 13 September 2009)
Serena Williams blows her top, and her chance, at the US Open (The Guardian, 13 September 2009)
by Jed_7 September 14, 2009