Blow one

To "blow" or smoke "one" (one could also mean several in many cases) joint, blunt, cigar, etc. that contain marijuana.
Agustin: "Yo Librado Blow One!"
Librado: "Oh hell yeah, i got five on it."
by Macjizzy October 15, 2009
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Blow one's

Lucas: Awww.... *moans*, I'm gonna blow one's right now!
GF: Oooooohhhh baby...
by Thats16myboi September 20, 2019
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Blow One

A trigger phrase used to make a someone extremely salty.
"Hey Devin? "
Yo, what's up?

"Blow one"

God damn it.
by Envythis May 13, 2018
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blow one's stack

One of the few times the normally cool Rice blew her stack during the first term...
by The Finn March 29, 2005
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blow one's dough

(verb) to spend all one's money
I'ma never blow ma dough again!
by Fangsta April 27, 2003
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blow one's top

blow one's top in context:

Serena Williams blows her top, and her chance, at the US Open (The Guardian, 13 September 2009)
by Jed_7 September 14, 2009
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