by DoinUrMom November 17, 2012
A Big Texas is when you ejaculate into a cowboy hat and then put it on someones head.
A good prank to play on hicks.
A good prank to play on hicks.
by Tyfighter April 11, 2009
To fart/rip ass in someone elses mouth.
To expel internal gas through the anus into another's mouth.
A good prank to pull on a sleeping friend or enemy.
To expel internal gas through the anus into another's mouth.
A good prank to pull on a sleeping friend or enemy.
by Box of Tic Tacs November 14, 2007
girl 1: have you seen big Texas?
girl 2: OMG yes, it makes nick shaw look like "little rhode island"
girl 2: OMG yes, it makes nick shaw look like "little rhode island"
by big tex the pussy slayer March 14, 2017
them niggas is wilin' they ate half my box of big texas!
shit son, i need a big texas for breakfast tomorrow
shit son, i need a big texas for breakfast tomorrow
by 6f April 4, 2005
These things are really good
I can't believe I just got hit in the face with a big texas cinnamon roll, these things are really good - @claywash33
by Idkgabba May 7, 2019
A term used for sexual intercourse when a man skeets in a circualar motion around the womens belly button and then fucks her belly button
by JonnathanHandcock August 17, 2008