a sweet ass, bitch'en sorority. Full of wonderful and lovely people who make your world a wonderful place.
by stretch October 27, 2004
Beta Kappa Gamma is the nations first South Asian Fraternity dedicated to service. Beta Kappa Gamma was founded at the University of Texas at Austin on May 6, 1999. Beta Kappa Gamma is THE #1 South Asian Fraternity in the nation, based on Brotherhood, Service, and Social Integration.
by BKG September 27, 2005
The brotherhood of YΓΒ was founded in 2011. These men always "Look Sharp and Live Smart". They party hard and stay classy while doing it. "Brothers today, Borthers forever. YΓΒ for lyfe!"
by YΓΒ treasurer January 19, 2011
On a cold winter evening in Broward County, Florida, the entity of Gamma Beta Chi Service Fraternity, Inc. was founded from a tradition of brotherhood which dates back as early as 1959 in Bloomington, Indiana. Previously members of other social and professional fraternal orders, our elite founders organized themselves to officially formulate “The Meeting of the Minds”. The
founders felt the need to leave behind other social societies and orders to seriously unite and officially assemble a brotherhood dedicated to acquiring community service hours which cater primarily to the uplifting of youth and young adult communities.
This was to be the dawning of a brand new era for men who were interested in taking just social and professional interaction to a loftier, more insightful, and meaningful level. Service would be the call to duty, even more, these gentlemen all brought a sincere love and genuine interest in educating youth through youth programs, mentor-ships, and leagues to which they previously belonged. This same zeal for youth was historically instilled into the organization from which various service programs and focuses were developed traditionally in the fraternity.
The Gamma tradition still moves on in strength, leaving behind dark nights of hate, persecution, misfortune, and confusion. Continuing the rich tradition of TRUE service and loyalty to our youth and humanity, the men of Gamma Beta Chi still stand united and proudly hold fast to being the last of the Greeks, but the most elite.
founders felt the need to leave behind other social societies and orders to seriously unite and officially assemble a brotherhood dedicated to acquiring community service hours which cater primarily to the uplifting of youth and young adult communities.
This was to be the dawning of a brand new era for men who were interested in taking just social and professional interaction to a loftier, more insightful, and meaningful level. Service would be the call to duty, even more, these gentlemen all brought a sincere love and genuine interest in educating youth through youth programs, mentor-ships, and leagues to which they previously belonged. This same zeal for youth was historically instilled into the organization from which various service programs and focuses were developed traditionally in the fraternity.
The Gamma tradition still moves on in strength, leaving behind dark nights of hate, persecution, misfortune, and confusion. Continuing the rich tradition of TRUE service and loyalty to our youth and humanity, the men of Gamma Beta Chi still stand united and proudly hold fast to being the last of the Greeks, but the most elite.
by Aristocrat April 13, 2008
person 1: do you know greek?
person 2: alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega.
person 1: you are good at greek!
person 2: alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega.
person 1: you are good at greek!
by Phu The Writer May 9, 2022