Bare naked

Completely naked. In the birthday suit.
1. We caught him playing counter-strike bare naked!

2. They were swimming bare naked.

3.The thief was stripped of his clothes and left bare naked on the street.
by Nobli June 24, 2015
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bare naked ladies

Wicked, cool band from Canada

Great simple lyrics and catchy tunes and beats.

The band members are down to earth - great representatives of the Canadian way.
The Bare Nake Ladies sing "If I had a million dollars".
by Doctor Livingstone May 15, 2005
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Bare naked ass days

The last week in June when people who are in the porn scene movement and the porn hippie movement have there festivals in the nations national parks where they all get together and take all there close off and can run through the woods with there bare naked asses and fuck all they want.
by Deep blue 2012 April 12, 2010
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bare ass naked

Completely naked without any clothing on. All you can see is your top parts and lower parts and anatomy.
Why dont you put some clothes on instead of being bare ass naked?.
by Cassandra yo fuck girl. November 26, 2015
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1) Idiom for going into an arguement without any comebacks or plans to do anything if you're losing.

2) going into any battle in a game, fully unprepared for the strength of the opponent. (Not enough armor, not strong enough, etc.)
1) "Lidia's never going to get out of that arguement, she's going into battle bare naked!"
2) "Sockcat43 is just unprepared for this boss. He's going into battle bare naked!"
by Diowbs November 13, 2022
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