23 definitions by Doctor Livingstone

Wicked, cool band from Canada

Great simple lyrics and catchy tunes and beats.

The band members are down to earth - great representatives of the Canadian way.
The Bare Nake Ladies sing "If I had a million dollars".
by Doctor Livingstone May 15, 2005
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Combination of spaz and shazbot (of Mork fame).

Derogatory term for a techno geek.
Nice propellor hat, spazbot.
by Doctor Livingstone May 17, 2005
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Used by Phil Hartman on Saturday Night Live as he played The Chairman of the Board

Means incomprehensible, "a bunch of garbage", don't get it.
What he said, it's all pops and buzzers to me.
by Doctor Livingstone May 16, 2005
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Another word for "great" (From the UK)
An amazing set of waterfalls. Pretty chossy I'm told.
by Doctor Livingstone January 7, 2006
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A long-missing explorer and missionary, David Livingstone, who was found in Africa by British-born explorer Henry Stanley in 1871.

Also online name of blogger of undiscovered treasures - www.doctorlivingstone.info
"Doctor Livingstone, I presume?"
by Doctor Livingstone May 15, 2005
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What you tell someone about to perform in a drama or musical performance to wish them well.
What you don't say is "good luck".
Hey, hope you break a leg tonight.
by Doctor Livingstone May 19, 2005
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as in "Mr. Bigglesworth"

- name of Dr. Evil's hairless cat companion (from Austin Powers movies)
"Look what you did to Mr. Bigglesworth!"
by Doctor Livingstone May 15, 2005
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