Yo it’s so hot out ima go get a banana sploat.
by Blahkaka December 24, 2018
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Well to make it plain and simple no one knows what this entity is but eating this sad combination will make you sad but don’t worry it’s temporary… kind of. You see it’s addictive mixture makes you feel addicted to this substance and trust me a lot of research have done research but they are now addicted to the combination.

Devin: no I am already addicted to lean
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Using warm monistat cream applied to the penis to treat a woman's yeast infection by having intercourse with her.
It was a bit chilly in the house and the wife was feeling frisky so I decided to give her the hot banana bread.
by Turtle dirt December 3, 2015
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When you see something that makes your dick hard.
"Dude! I saw this bitchin 67 Sting Ray yesterday. Man did it put me in Banana Heaven!"
by Cooky Rook February 7, 2009
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A phrase that the popular youtuber Thegamingterroriser cannot understand and constantly has him triggered when encountered. Aside from it being two words that are fun to say together, it is simply a phrase that was randomly thought up.
The general imagery created at the phrase is either a banana with a beard or someone wearing a beard made of bananas.
I walked down the street wearing and holding a beard banana.
by Tahaku December 1, 2016
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The phenomenon occurring when a piss is so pleasurable that simultaneous ejaculation occurs; the creamy yellow combination of semen and urine is the 'banana milkshake'.
"Bro, I needed to slash so bad that when I did I made a banana milkshake".
by SweatyBear January 27, 2016
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When your partner pisses in your pussy after creaming in it. For extra points you can stick your tongue in their pussy and wiggle it around like a blender.
Have you ever had a banana milk shake?

Omg I thought you’d never ask, last night Alvin gave me the greatest banana milkshake of my entire life time
Oh... I meant like the ice cream drink...
by Fatbananamilkshakewoman November 11, 2020
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