The act of winning one over, leading into a relationship. Popular slang used all over Toronto and the GTA.
by '03 June 4, 2019
by The static kids December 4, 2021
1. To get caught for doing something
2. when a guy tries to tlk to a girl for numerous reasons to either go out or chill
2. when a guy tries to tlk to a girl for numerous reasons to either go out or chill
1. Yo ya'll so dumb how ya'll get bagged cuttin'
2. Alex: how it go wit baggin shorty?
Johnathan: it went gud the shorty i bagged might be wifey
2. Alex: how it go wit baggin shorty?
Johnathan: it went gud the shorty i bagged might be wifey
by britani February 8, 2006
"i'm bagged" or "i'm so bagged"
by Jason Johnson Fernandez March 5, 2008
To go out with.
by Micky_Sprankles October 28, 2017
A term used to describe the action of a quick kidnapping by shoving the unsuspecting victim into a large duffel bag.
by sammyenderboy27 January 4, 2017
A prison term: A method of inflicting pain, where one person sticks his middle finger in between your balls and pinches your sac together with his outer fingers.
by livewolf October 24, 2005