To infer supiority by dropping obscure facts into loosely related conversations.
Girl 1: Hey, did you see Lisa earlier?
Girl 2: Yeah, she looked pretty sad.
Badgerism Person: -and who had a 1976 hit with "Sad Lisa?"
*silence ensues.*

Badgerism Person: Cat Stevens. *Proceeds to sing several lines as spectators bow to the master of all knowledge.*
by Not_a_badger January 8, 2012
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Racism for badger "Badgerism"
A badger cart be racist onley badgerist so if it is badgerist thats BADGERISM
by James April 19, 2005
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A video about badgers, mushrooms and snakes of which several updated versions have been released such as the Christmas version, which has Badgers dressed as Santa, the mushrooms replaced by presents and the snake being replaced by a young Jesus Christ.

Repetitive genius.
by bluntpencil2001 April 26, 2005
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a video about ... a bunch of badgers
badger badger badger... mushroom mushroom
by Jigger February 26, 2005
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An intellectual movie in which several badgers dance and sing. They appear to be singing "badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger" (etc) and then "mushroom, MUSHROOM!"

What they really are singing is "magic magic magic magic magic magic" and then "mushroom, MUSHROOM!"

The occasional incident in which they articulate the beautiful word "snake," they say something like "oohhh a snake, it's a snaaaake" but if you listen closely it sounds like "hallucinate."
Badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM, MUSHROOM.

Magic magic magic magic magic MUSHROOM, MUSHROOM.

(Listen closely.)
by your mom reaks of butter October 23, 2005
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