by v1cious July 20, 2004
Dude...did you hear about Jim? He was banging some chick and when he came he backlashed and fell out the house.
by BobFTW October 4, 2009
when you are about to nut and a girl is riding you, then all of a sudden she gets up and your penis flings back at you at the exact moment you blow your load, resulting in a backlash of nut on you.
Damn man last night i was bangin your mom and then right when i blew my load she got up and i got backlashed
by Kelmet February 8, 2006
by The Primer Chimp November 24, 2004
by Loni Anderson May 28, 2003
When things go smoothly for a period of time and you're enjoying life, karma finds its way back to you and fucks things up.
I had the best November but I'm getting karmic backlash and December is turning out to be such a drag.
by Yana TV January 22, 2009
That headache you get after the exam when you suddenly stop cramming and your brain just melts to mush.
I had study backlash after cramming at the last minute for my sex ed test.
I got all the answers wrong anyway, making all that cramming a huge waste of time.
I got all the answers wrong anyway, making all that cramming a huge waste of time.
by morbidgolem October 22, 2007