by OGR Runner January 24, 2013
by monty4248 December 4, 2015
Armstrong is a surname of Scottish borders origin. It derives from a Middle English nickname which meant someone with strong arms. In Ireland the name was adopted as an Anglicization of two Gaelic names from Ulster: Mac Thréinfhir (meaning "son of the strong man") and Ó Labhraidh Tréan (meaning "strong O'Lavery").
Armstrong is a handsome man
by Morny AK August 15, 2018
The worst Bio professor on the planet. Spent the whole lecture time talking about how sweet potatoes are fucking YAMS. A Lil bitch boy when it comes to handing out a pop quiz. Alos dummy looking.
by Lil Rack Don't Cap April 26, 2022
(Verb) To insert both the penis and entire sack of testicles into a vagina and/or anus. The act of "armstronging" usually requires using both hands to help stretch the vagina and/or anus hole to allow for total insertion.
by Bobby Ward August 15, 2006
by chelseabeckerrrr February 27, 2009
A test of masturbatory endurance where the number of consecutive orgasms achieved in a single day (24 hours) corresponds to the number of times Lance Armstrong has won the Tour-de-France. Undoubtedly, the participant's arm(s) would become stronger through participation. Also known as 'The Armstrong'
by Gadams February 19, 2009