The feeling of complete anguish while in a committed, monogamous relationship.

Or, your boyfriend's hilarious attempt at spelling monogamy which has forever been replaced by man agony.
I have a bad case of man agony.

Wow, have you seen her today? She's struggling with some real man agony.
by MichelleinCanada February 22, 2012
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Phrase originally made famous on the old ABC's Wide World of Sports show that aired on Saturday afternoons. A hapless ski jumper fell off the jump and had the misfortune to have that little video clip replayed about a zillion times over the years.
Antonym is Thrill of Victory
Bringing you the wide world of sports, where you can experience the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat all within the comfy confines of your living room.

He blew that $1,000 Nassau and then got fired for letting down the Chairman's team - talk about the agony of defeat.

by AdamanEve February 26, 2006
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A story of requited love. The love between a torture crazed biophidelic monster and his/her victim.
"Say goodbye, Kimberly," muttered Kat under her
breath, "and say hello to your worst nightmare!"
by David LeFanu December 10, 2003
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The man who lost his child, seeing the ghost of his child. He dropped to his knees. And cried in agony

Cry in agony, mental pain, illness, or just pain
by Fawkie November 8, 2017
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A Metalcore Band That Came On The Scene Around '03 They Were Signed On Solid State Records And Debuted A Self Titled Album,Popular Songs Are
We Bury Are Dead At Dawn
Shotgun Wedding
And There Cover To "Paint It Black" By The Rolling Stones

After That They Sold Out And Went To Road Runner Records,And Of May 24 05 They Will Debut There Album Titled "The Darkest Of Red".....Why Agony,Why Did You Leave Solid State?
Norma Jean,Stretch Arm Strong,Extol,The Charoit,Underoath
by #1 Musicaholic Ray-Ray March 16, 2005
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A feeling, the pain you get when you do not win. A substantial loss, or failure to complete a task.
"I know we cannot win Ohio despite the provisional ballots"
by Nikthenyetminder November 17, 2004
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When someone is screaming and in great pain at the same time,
usually using gh instead of h at the end of an AAAAA
"someone's screaming in agony!"
"oh no!"
by banflimflam July 1, 2022
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